} [Report] Coursera “Interactive Teaching”: The 3rd Real Session DAY 1 - 東京大学ファカルティ・ディベロップメント | 東大FD | TODAI FD.COM | 東京大学



[Report] Coursera “Interactive Teaching”: The 3rd Real Session DAY 1

  • 【Overview of the Coursera “Interactive Teaching”: The 3rd Real Session]
  • Date/Time: August 18th (Sun), 2024, 9:00–17:00, 19th (Mon), 9:00–17:00, and 20th (Tue), 9:00–17:00
  • Format: Face-to-face
  • Venue: Faculty of Education Bldg., Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
  • Instructors: Kayoko Kurita and Wonhwa Park, Airi Kawakami, Osami Nabeta (The University of Tokyo)
  • Intended for: Those who completed “Interactive Teaching” and are able to work on pre-assignments
  • Language: Japanese
  • Fee: Free of charge

“Coursera ‘Interactive Teaching’: The 3rd Real Session” was held as a face-to-face event on August 18th, 19th, and 20th. The Real Session was intended for those who had completed the course “Interactive Teaching,” and 9 people with various occupations and affiliations gathered from across the country.

The following is a brief summary of DAY 1.


■Objectives of the Real Session

  • 1. Be able to devise methods that help you induce/maintain/enhance students’ motivation.
  • 2. Be able to design a class that lets students learn actively.
  • 3. Experience active learning strategies and be able to use them.
  • 4. Be able to describe a course that lets students learn actively in the form of a syllabus.
  • 5. Be able to design an evaluation based on essential knowledge.
  • 6. Be able to apply what you learned when conducting a lecture for microteaching sessions.
  • 7. Be able to envision your career path and organize your daily activities and future prospects.

The objectives for DAY 1 were 1, 2, and 6 in the above list.


■DAY 1 Schedule



  • Preparation
  • Participants worked on pre-assignments and prepared the following materials for the session: (1) a 6-min lecture for microteaching sessions, (2) class design, and (3) a text syllabus. Also, they posted a self-introduction in Google Classroom.


  • DAY 1 (August 18th, 2024)
  • [Introduction] (9:00–9:25)
  • The session started at 9:00 by sharing goals and objectives, followed by a brief self-introduction of the instructors, staff, and participants.


  • [Microteaching Session: The 1st Trial] (9:25–12:35)
  • Each participant conducted a lecture for microteaching sessions in two groups. They were reminded of the basic principles (such as “3Ks”) and how to take part in role-playing before delivering a lecture one by one, just like the regular UTokyo FFP classes as described as follows:
  • STEP 1: A participant conducts a lecture as a lecturer. (6 min)
  • STEP 2: The lecturer-participant receives feedback from the instructor while the other participants fill in the feedback sheets.
  • STEP 3: Participants exchange feedback in a group to improve the lecture.
A participant conducting a lecture for the microteaching session


  • [Class Design] (13:30–15:00)
  • The instructor gave a lecture on class design. Participants worked on an activity to revise their lectures, reviewing the rubric for class design.
Participants revising their own class design


  • [Break] (15:00–15:15)
  • We asked participants beforehand if they could bring their local snacks. Thanks to all the participants, the snack area was filled with a variety of sweets. We offered hot/iced coffee, too. As a giveaway, we crafted key chains of the course mascot character “Ital-kun” so that the participants could feel free to take them home.
Snack area


  • [Motivation] (15:20–16:45)
  • The instructor gave a lecture on motivation. In the activity “Let’s give advice to a professor,” participants discussed in groups what kind of advice they should give to an instructor about his/her concern. Also, they worked on revising their lectures by applying what they had learned in the session in the activity “Refining lectures for microteaching sessions.”
Group activity on motivation


  • [Wrap-up] (16:45–17:00)
  • Participants reflected on the goals and objectives of DAY 1 and individually organized what they had learned and their thoughts. Then, they shared their thoughts in pairs.
Participants sharing their thoughts in pairs


Participants had a busy schedule on DAY 1, starting with a microteaching session in the morning and lectures and activities in the afternoon, but they all stayed focused and eagerly worked on every task.

  • Click here for the details of DAY 2.
  • (Click here for the details of DAY 3.)


Airi Kawakami (Project Academic Specialist in charge of “Interactive Teaching”)

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