This page provides resources on UTokyo FD, such as books, papers, and newspaper articles. We hope that they will help you understand the meaning and purpose of UTokyo FD.
Interactive teaching jissen-hen 3: Manabi o unagasu hyōka: rubric no sahō to jitsurei [Interactive Teaching practice 3: Evaluation that promotes active learning: rubrics’ design methods and cases]
Kawai Publishing. 115 pages/Kurita, K., & Nakamura, N. (Eds.). (2024)
Interactive teaching jissen-hen 2: Manabi o unagasu syllabus: course design no sahō to jirei [Interactive teaching practice 2: Syllabus that promotes learning: course design methods and cases].
Kawai Publishing. 88 pages/Kurita, K., & Nakamura, N. (Eds.). (2023)
This book reviews the use of the syllabus, which has been used primarily as a course selection document, as a tool for "promoting learners' learning" and "designing the entire course (course design), and focuses on its application.
Jugyō kaizen [The improvement of classes]
Tamagawa University Press. 204 pages/Sato, H., & Kurita. K. (Eds.) (2021)
The book covers the improvement of classes from the concept to practical methods.
Division of Active Learning and Teaching, Komaba Organization for Educational Excellence (KOMEX), The University of Tokyo (Ed.) Tōkyōdaigaku no active learning [Active learning and teaching at The University of Tokyo]
University of Tokyo Press. pp.89-102/Kurita, K. (2021). Chapter 7: Daigaku kyōiku kaihatsuron [Teaching development in higher education].
UTokyo FFP is also offered as a course titled “Teaching Development in Higher Education” and is referred to as one of UTokyo’s active learning-style classes in the book.
Interactive teaching jissen-hen 1: Manabi o unagasu jugyōsekkei: class design no sahō to jirei [Interactive teaching practice 1: Class design that promotes learning: class design methods and cases].
Kawai Publishing. 120 pages/Nakamura, N., & Kurita, K. (Eds.). (2021)
The practices of the “Interactive Teaching Academy” have been compiled in a book that carefully explains how to design a class period in specific cases.
National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE) (Ed.) Daigaku ga “chi” no leader ni naru tame no seika jūshi management [Results-oriented management for universities to become the leader of “knowledge”]
Gyosei Corporation. pp.97-117/Kurita, K. (2020). Chapter 3: Daigakuin hakushi katei ni okeru daigaku kyōin yōsei [Training doctoral students to become faculty members].
The book provides an overview of a program for training faculty members at graduate school.
Hakase ni nattara dō ikiru? 78mei ga kataru career path [How do you live your life after receiving a PhD? Career paths described by 78 people].
Benseisha Publishing. 280 pages/Kurita, K. (Supervisor), Yoshida, L., & Horiuchi, T. (Eds.). (2017)
Fifteen UTokyo FFP alumni respectively conducted interviews with five senior researchers in their academic fields on their career paths. The book is a document of the interviews, illustrating various career paths. It also provides an overview of doctoral courses and life plans. For more details, click here.
Interactive teaching: Active learning o unagasu jugyō dukuri [Interactive teaching: Class design that promotes active learning].
Kawai Publishing. 233 pages/Kurita, K., & Japan Center for Educational Research and Innovation (JCERI) (Eds.). (2017)
It is a book that provides instructions on how to teach, based on the basic contents of an online course “Interactive Teaching” with newly added materials.
Ambrose, S. A., Bridges, M. W., DiPietro, M., Lovett, M. C., & Norman, M. K. (2010). How learning works: Seven research-based principles for smart teaching. John Wiley & Sons.
栗田佳代子(訳) スーザン A. アンブローズ,マイケル W. ブリッジズ,ミケーレ ディピエトロ,マーシャ C. ロベット,マリー K. ノーマン(著) (2014)『大学における「学びの場」づくり よりよいティーチングのための7つの原理』玉川大学出版部, 267ページ
The session on motivation in UTokyo FFP is based on this book. It bridges between research findings and practice, and as the title literally shows, it is recommended to understand the principles for creating a learning space.

Daigakuinsei no tame no kyōiku kenshū no genjō to kadai [Current state and issues of programs in university teaching for graduate students].
The Annual Report of Educational Psychology in Japan, 59, 191-208./Kurita, K. (2020).
Daigaku kyōin no kyōiku gyōseki hyōka no hōhō to shite no teaching portfolio [Teaching Portfolio as a methodology for evaluating faculty performance in teaching].
University Evaluation Review, 19, 55-64./Kurita, K. (2020).
Active learning o jissen suru niwa: Shutaiteki na manabi no ba o sasaeru kiso to jissō no idea [Active Learning in practice: Foundation and idea of implementation that support a proactive learning environment].
Taiwan Nichigo Kyōiku Gakuhō, 32, 1-20./Kurita, K. (2019).
Toshokan ni okeru mini-lecture program no kaihatsu to hyōka [Development and evaluation of a mini-lecture program at a library].
Journal of College and University Libraries, 107, 1704./Yoshida, L., Kurita, K., Abe, T., Suzuki, Y., & Matsumoto, Y. (2017).
Development of a Graduate Student Academic Portfolio, Educational Technology Research
39(1), 111-123 (DOI: 10.15077/etr.40080)/Yoshida, L., & Kurita, K. (2016)
Evaluation of Structured Academic Portfolio Chart and Workshop for Reflection on Academic Work
Procedia Computer Science, 96, 1454-1462 (DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.191)/Yoshida, L., & Kurita, K. (2016)
Pre FD no genjō kara mieru kadai to mezasu beki hōkōsei [Challenges and future directions derived from the current state of preparing future faculty programs in Japan].
Journal of Japan Association for College and University Education, 37(2), 75-78./Kurita, K., Sato, H., Natsume, T., Hata, T., Ogasawara, M., & Kira, N. (2015).
Daigakuinsei ban academic portfolio no kaihatsu [Development of a Graduate Student Academic Portfolio].
Japan Journal of Educational Technology, 39(1), 1-11./Yoshida, L., & Kurita, K. (2015).
Tōkyō daigaku future faculty program no igi to tenbō [The significance and prospect of the University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program].
IDE Gendai no Kōtō Kyōiku, 559, 46-50./Kurita, K., Nakahara, J., & Yoshimi, S. (2014).

Report on the symposium commemorating the 10 year anniversary of the University of Tokyo’s Future Faculty Program
This is a report from the FFP 10 Anniversary Symposium held in February 2023.
Please read the summary results of the questionnaire if you have experienced FFP. -
Tōdai online jugyō no genzaichi [Features: The present location of online classes at UTokyo].
Gakunai Kōhō 1536.
Yowami wa zatsudan nomi? Online jugyō no kaizensaku wa (Kenshō: todai no online jugyō 3) [The only disadvantage is the lack of chit-chat? How should online classes be improved? (Inspection: Online classes in UTokyo 3)].
The University of Tokyo 2020.8.21
“Hashiri nagara kangaeta” chūshin kyōin ga furikaeru shoki taiō (Kenshō: todai no online jugyō 2) [“We thought on the run”: The core faculty members reflect on their initial response (Inspection: Online classes at UTokyo 2)].
The University of Tokyo 2020.8.17
contribution (e.g. to newspaper)
Interactive teaching [Interactive teaching].
Kokugokyōiku, 2021 February issue, 24-27./Kurita, K. (2021, January).
Interview Article
Good practice “Manabi no ba dukuri” [Good practice “Creating a learning space”].
Online Class / Web Conference Portal Site @ the University of Tokyo./Kurita, K. (2020).
Interview Article
Nihon no daigaku kyōiku wa jidai okure? Tōdai no oshiekata o kaeru todai FFP no chōsen towa [Is university teaching in Japan out of date? UTokyo FFP’s attempt to change the way of teaching in UTokyo].
The University of Tokyo Newspaper 2019.09.24 /栗田佳代子(2019)
Yutakana daigaku seikatsu eno daiippo [The first step to enrich your campus life].
Volunteers of the UTokyo FFP alumni. (2017, April 29).
UTokyo Faculty Development.(UTokyo FFP program and the Japanese Language Classroom, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology co-organized a workshop on the problems faced by overseas students at the University of Tokyo and created a leaflet based on its outcomes.
This book focuses on rubric, which is an assessment tool suitable for reports, presentations, and so on. It explains the basics and characteristics of rubrics, the procedure for creating them, and how to utilize them to promote students’ learning more effectively, and provides a variety of examples.