Self-Study Materials
Self-Study Materials
This page introduces video materials for self-study. The content consists of MOOC courses intended for the public, teaching materials developed for workshops, and videos and materials of lectures offered by the University of Tokyo. Anyone is welcome to use these materials for their own learning.
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The terms of use of the video and PDF worksheets which appear on this web page (hereinafter collectively called the “Materials”) are described below. The user of these Materials is hereinafter called the “User”.
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Content Overview
For detailed information on how to use the self-study materials, please click on the buttons at the end of each program description.
Interactive Teaching
This course is a practical course on how to provide education for students’ active learning. It is built upon The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program and is intended not only for graduate students and university faculty, but also for anyone involved in “teaching,” such as elementary, junior high, and high school teachers, and people in charge of human resources development at private corporations.
For Teaching in English: Discussion Issues
These video contents were developed as teaching materials for “Workshop on Class Management in English”, which was held in AY 2015 by the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo. They provide solutions to problems that instructors are likely to encounter during group discussions in their English-medium courses.
The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program (OCW)
This is a program which helps graduate students who aim to become faculty members acquire skills and knowledge related to teaching at university. It provides a learning environment for graduate students where they can learn in an active-learning style while building up a network across diverse research fields. The course videos and materials are available at UTokyo OpenCourseWare (UTokyo OCW).
The University of Tokyo Global Future Faculty Development Program (OCW)
This program has been designed with an international perspective to support the participants in acquiring educational and practical competences to fulfill the role of teaching at universities in Japan and overseas. It is offered in English. The program aims to help the participants improve their educational skills for teaching at university while interacting with colleagues from diverse disciplines and contexts. The course videos and materials are available at UTokyo OpenCourseWare (UTokyo OCW).