} Launch of a New Course on Coursera "Learn How to Teach by 6 Min. Micro Teaching" - 東京大学ファカルティ・ディベロップメント | 東大FD | TODAI FD.COM | 東京大学



Launch of a New Course on Coursera “Learn How to Teach by 6 Min. Micro Teaching”

A new course “Learn How to Teach by 6 Min. Micro Teaching” was released on Coursera on August 27th, 2024.

This course is a program to learn specifically how to design and improve classes through the creation of a 6-minute microteaching class. The course is designed for current and aspiring teachers from elementary education to higher education, and can be completed in three weeks. The program aims to help learners understand the significance of the “6-minute microteaching class,” and learners practice the necessary knowledge and theories based on the “ADDIE Model,” a key framework for creating classes, through a variety of work (hands-on experience). Then, by creating a graphic class design and a class design sheet, learners design and conduct a microteaching class. Afterwards, learners will review the microteaching class and work on improvement. In addition to watching videos and completing worksheets (individual work), the course also emphasizes the expansion and deepening of learning through interaction with other learners in the community platform such as discussion forums.

All course content is available free of charge. A certificate of completion can also be issued for a fee.
On top of that, you can learn at your own pace. We hope you enjoy our program!

Click here to enroll in the course.

6分間模擬授業で学ぶ授業づくり(Learn How to Teach by 6 Min. Micro Teaching) | Coursera

*Currently, content is available in Japanese only. English materials (lecture slides, worksheets, subtitles) will be available later.

■Related program
Interactive Teaching(インタラクティブ・ティーチング) | Coursera

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