} [18th UTokyo FFP] Certificate Award Ceremony Conducted - 東京大学ファカルティ・ディベロップメント | 東大FD | TODAI FD.COM | 東京大学



[18th UTokyo FFP] Certificate Award Ceremony Conducted

The 18th Certificate Award Ceremony of “The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program (UTokyo FFP)” was held on Zoom on Friday, February 18th, 2022.
Thirty-nine participants completed the 18th program, and each of them received a certificate. They had a congratulatory address from Prof. Yasushi Asami, Director of the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo. Alumni also appeared as guest speakers and explained their various activities after completing the program and their alumni network.

UTokyo FFP has produced a total of 849 people who completed the program coming from every graduate school at The University of Tokyo.

The next program (the 19th UTokyo FFP) is scheduled to start in April 2022. Please click the link below for the application.


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