} [Tips] How to Use "Immersive View" on Zoom - 東京大学ファカルティ・ディベロップメント | 東大FD | TODAI FD.COM | 東京大学



[Tips] How to Use “Immersive View” on Zoom

Zoom has been widely used for online courses and meetings. Its new function “Immersive View” is now available (as of the end of April 2021). It is enabled by default for all accounts using Zoom 5.6.3 or higher.

It displays participants in a virtual space that appears like a classroom or a meeting room, thereby enabling them to immerse themselves in the situation.

For more details, please click the following link.
[Tips] How to Use “Immersive View” on Zoom – Center for Research and Development of Higher Education

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