} [Event Report] “The 10th Mini-lecture Program at the Library” - 東京大学ファカルティ・ディベロップメント | 東大FD | TODAI FD.COM | 東京大学



[Event Report] “The 10th Mini-lecture Program at the Library”

“The 10th Mini-lecture Program at the Library” took place on February 27th, 2018.

While UTokyo FFP alumni newly designed and conducted 30-min lectures for the events over the last nine programs (1st–9th), this time, the participants of the 10th UTokyo FFP conducted the same mini-lectures as the ones they designed and gave during the microteaching session.

The microteaching session is one of the major contents of the UTokyo FFP, where the participants design and conduct 6-min lectures in an active-learning style. Since the participants came from diverse graduate schools, their lecture topics dealt with various fields. Just listening to the lectures made the audience feel “fun and informative.”

Six out of about 45 participants of the 10th UTokyo FFP, who had received a particularly high rating, recreated their mini-lectures.

The audience of 13 people highly appreciated the lectures, and those who conducted the mini-lectures also learned a lot through the event.

Lastly, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the University of Tokyo Library System staff members for their cooperation.


*The videos of the event are available on the following website: The 10th Mini-lecture Program by UTokyo Graduate Students | UTokyo TV (todai.tv)


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